2020 at BEBS in a nutshell

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2020 in a nutshell:

For many people, 2020 was a year to forget. However, despite Covid-19, 2020 was an extraordinary year for us. Discover why by reading our new blog post “2020 at BEBS in a nutshell”.

A year ago, the virus COVID-19 started to spread all around the world, causing a pandemic that brought the economy and life of all countries in the world to a halt in just a matter of a couple of months. For the Time magazine, 2020 was so terrible that it re-named 2020 as the worst year ever in the cover of the December edition of the magazine.

However, for us at BEBS, 2020 was a very rewarding year. In the past year, our BEBS community has grown, and it becomes every day more international. We have decided to widen our educational offer by teaching a number of our Master’s degrees in Spanish, in addition to the ones in English. Moreover, we have adapted to these extraordinary times by innovating the way we offer classes on-line.

Have a look at 2020 at BEBS in a nutshell.

– Students:

Every year, more students are trusting BEBS Barcelona Executive Business School to become the leaders of the future. We are thrilled our international community is growing every day more. From 197 students in 2019, we had the privilege to form 250 students in 2020. We guarantee we will not lose our characteristics: high-quality education at an affordable price. If you are considering to study a Master’s or a Postgraduate degree with us you can check our home.


A crucial part of BEBS is our staff. They work behind the scenes to make sure classes can run smoothly. They strive to guarantee the best possible experience to our students during their time online or offline at BEBS. For this, we needed to extend our family. Last year the staff was composed by 9 people, while now we are 15 people from 10 nationalities.

– Languages:

We want to form the leaders of the future, able to operate in an international business world. That’s why when BEBS was first created, our Master’s degrees were offered in English. However, we want to communicate and teach to as many students as possible, because there is a leader in every country of the world. As our staff and student community were growing, we decided it was the time to offer 4 of our online Master’s degrees in Spanish. We have taken this path because our professors are among the most reputable professionals in the Spanish business world.

– Technological improvements:

We have adapted to these extraordinary times by updating the way we offer online classes to our students. We rely on two different platforms for on-line education and our students can now watch the classes in streaming. In this way, students can (almost) have the same experience that BEBS can offer to students on-campus. Moreover, students can follow classes from everywhere around the world.

What 2021 has in store for BEBS:

We are looking to inspire you and continue surprising you in 2021. We hope you had a fantastic and productive year with us. If you are not part of the BEBS community yet, we encourage you to follow your passions and become part of our international community next year.

We have numerous news for 2021, and we can’t wait to share it with you. Just a little spoiler: we will have more online material than ever, with e-books and webinars to guide you during your professional journey.

Follow us on our social media channels to remain updated with our latest news. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

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2020 at BEBS in a nutshell

2020 at BEBS in a nutshell

2020 at BEBS in a nutshell
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