Collaboration Agreement With UCAM

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Dual Accreditation Agreement with UCAM

We are proud to announce that Barcelona Executive Business School and The Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM) recently signed a formal agreement.

Under this new agreement now three of our Masters will be granted a dual accreditattion in collaboration with UCAM. This step reinforces our partnership with Spanish Universities, which promotes our academic collaborations, strengthens our network opportunities and consolidates BEBS´s international flair.

UCAM can be defined as where history and modernity meet. The Catholic University of Murcia is one of the fastest growing private universities that has emerged with highly sought after and recognised programmes across Europe. UCAM offers undergraduate and graduate academic programs taught by faculty, and researchers engaged with the quality of the education provided. The university maintains connections with over 200 other universities worldwide. 

“This new agreement immediately adds quality and value to BEBS,” said Director Mrs. Torres, who is certain that graduating with a dual accredited degree makes our graduates more competitive in the currrent global job market.

Signing this agreement is a tremendous milestone for the success of our programs and holds our institution to high benchmarks that we’re excited to maintain. Offering dual degrees with UCAM comes as a collaboration with much value, thanks to the university’s quality education, prestige and international recognition. We are sure this is the beginning of a long and advantegeous relationship.

International Relations Department

BEBS Barcelona Executive Business School

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Collaboration Agreement With UCAM

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